



最后搜索Michael Jordan Rule,只能得到伊塞亚托马斯为了限制乔丹研究的打法「The Jordan Rule」。 "to play him tough, to physically challenge him and to vary its defenses so as to try to throw him off balance." 「对他打得更硬(脏)、更多身体挑战(碰撞)、快速改变守他的方式并让他失去平衡(放倒他)。」

所以,问题就是,到底有没有这样一条“反孤立单打规则”?还是只是以讹传讹?欢迎各位大神来科普。我个人的观点是讹传,相关资料实在都太少了。三角进攻的本质就是让巨星更舒服地单打?那为啥不能直接其他四个拉开呢 - 湿乎乎的话题 - 虎扑社区quora回答:“联盟有没有为乔丹改变过规则”

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一开始很多人蒙蔽,这吹的啥犯规,之后解说员专门做了解释“这球吹的是illegal isolation offense,年初刚出来的”真实案例294年活塞对76人,出现该现象,然后球权转换证据2:主楼都已经把纽约时报贴出来了,纽约时报的权威性我再加一条华盛顿邮报的报道https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/1987/09/21/nba-creates-an-illegal-offense-call/7cbd3cb1-9f67-4a11-bb0d-bcc991b74982/证据3:NBA OPEN COURT有一期叫:you remind me专门提到了反孤立法则如果有这个视频的朋友可以把进度条直接卡到34分47秒肯尼史密斯谈到了这个,说起了因为单个球员从而修改规则这个话题说到背打5秒,也说到反孤立不过他们把这个规则的叫法不同,叫"illegal offense"肯尼史密斯的原话是"Michael jordan,illegal offense,because of him"不过旁边的刺客纠正"that was me”然后解释说他和兰比尔才是最先把其他三个人拉到一边展开进攻的,所以才产生了这个规则有意思的是其实当年的公牛反倒并没有大量进行啥isolation的战术反倒是当年的冠军凯尔特人会经常的进行大鸟冰箱和酋长的isolation老尼尔森在雄鹿也打了大量iso,湖人队也经常iso 沃西这个规则被叫乔丹法则只是因为乔丹1对1能力太强,说到单打第一时间就想到他,所以才叫乔丹法则。这个反孤立发则其实对乔丹意义反倒不大因为1.公牛其实不怎么进行特别的iso,乔丹本来也没从iso中受益2.公牛当时其他人太弱,没射手,空间小,导致可以疯狂包夹乔丹iso的意义在于空间拉开后,包夹距离过长,能导致单点被包夹的距离过大,包夹时间晚,让1对1更有效率而凯尔特人射手多,空间拉开能力强,所以他们执行iso效率高。但公牛射手少,空间拉开能力弱,等于说拉不了空间,即便拉开了,其他人威胁不大,等于说可以完全不管其他人,更提前时机去直接包夹。以下就是案例,管你孤立不孤立,直接包夹你还孤立个P啊你看文章的最后一段,乔丹37分等于还是在近联防的阵型,以及2~3人疯狂包夹中度过的Last season, Jordan had to overcome the harassment of zone traps and double and triple-teaming to win the scoring title by averaging 37.1 points a game. This time, he faces new challenges not only from opposing coaches and their defenses but also from the plans of his own coach.这是当年的即时文章。A new N.B.A. rule this season prohibits teams from putting more than two men on the side of the court away from the ball below the top of the foul circle. A violation would result in the loss of possession.Almost as soon as the new rule was announced, it became known as the ''Michael Jordan Rule,'' because of Jordan's masterly one-on-one play.Doug Collins does not, however, think that his team's strategy should have been responsible for the rule change.'We have no special play or plays that isolate Michael,'' said Collins, the Chicago Bulls' coach, before his team beat the Los Angeles Lakers, 128-114, here tonight in the annual Hall of Fame game. It was the Lakers' first loss in eight exhibition games, although they were without Earvin (Magic) Johnson (tendinitis in his left foot) and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (sinus infection).公牛教练科林斯说“我们根本没啥特别让乔丹孤立单打的战术”''If anything, the rule might more have been directed at the Boston Celtics, when they play two-on-two with Kevin McHale and Larry Bird or Bird and Dennis Johnson,'' Collins said. ''Don Nelson used the isolation a lot in Milwaukee when he coached the Bucks and the Lakers use it with James Worthy.''公牛教练还说“凯尔特人,雄鹿和湖人才是进行iso战术的球队”The officials did not make any isolation calls tonight because both teams were running. Jordan scored 36 points in about 30 minutes, sitting out the entire last quarter. 'A Great Improviser'Dave Corzine, the Bulls' center, while agreeing the team had no specific play calling for the isolation of Jordan, said it might appear that way sometimes.''It might look like he's going one-on-one and everyone else is standing around,'' Corzine said before the game. ''But that's because Michael doesn't know what he's going to do until he does it. He's a great improviser.''公牛中锋同意球队并没有特别让乔丹iso的战术,只是因为乔丹要单打时,其他人站着看,搞的好像在进行iso战术一样Bob Cousy, the former Boston Celtic star and Hall of Fame member, said he favored the rule, regardless of whether there was a specific player in mind.''Coaches with mediocre teams, who felt they were unable to compete in the five-man game, would isolate two or three of their best players and let them play schoolyard basketball on one side of the floor,'' Cousy said. ''I guess some people are calling it the Jordan Rule because when you think of one-on-one basketball, his name immediately comes to mind.鲍勃库西说“我猜人们之所以把反孤立法则叫做”乔丹规则“,是因为当你想到1对1单打,他的名字会马上第一个出现在脑海里”''It's a good rule. I'm in favor of doing anything that would slow down scoring, The offense has gotten so far ahead of the defense that I'm afraid it will affect spectator interest.'' Bulls Plan New StyleLast season, Jordan had to overcome the harassment of zone traps and double and triple-teaming to win the scoring title by averaging 37.1 points a game. This time, he faces new challenges not only from opposing coaches and their defenses but also from the plans of his own coach.





1.习惯叫法不同,会被叫"illegal isolation offense“或者直接"illegal offense"更多,所以你搜索字不准确不到位搜索结果就出不来2.这个规则出来后,这种进攻站位几乎就很少甚至稀少,既然出现都少,那被吹罚的例子就更稀少所以不光球迷,就连nba球员教练自己都可能经常忘了这个规则,毕竟出现的机会少所以即便是那些看比赛多的人也很难找到案例,更别说那些看的少的了,甚至没看过的了毕竟不是人人都象我这样看的多且看的细的。3.这个规则并非是直接只因为乔丹,或者乔丹只是修改规则的原因之一很多人认为之所以叫乔丹规则是因为乔丹单打太强,所以说到单打第一时间想到他,所以干脆叫乔丹规则4.如果这名球员本身进攻回合里球队本来就不会特别执行拉开战术,且同时个人威胁和队友配置会导致他大半回合会被直接包夹。那他就谈不上受益不受益,你拉不拉空间反正我就是直接包死你。因为公牛其实没有进行专门的iso战术,且队友差,所以空间小内线扎堆,实际联防打的多且死包乔丹因此有没有这个规则,对乔丹个人区别并不大,反正都是被大量包夹的命,iso个P。



· 四川
Emanon4存在</font></font></div>证据1:</font></div></font></div>真实案例1</font></div></font></div>88年活塞对凯尔特人G5的第一节最后一攻,出现该现象,球权转换</font></div></font></div></div></font></font></div>一开始很多人蒙蔽,这吹的啥犯规,之后解说员专门做了解释</span></font></div></font></div>“这球吹的是illegal isolation offense,年初刚出来的”</font></div></font></div></div></div></font></div>真实案例2</font></div></font></div>94年活塞对76人,出现该现象,然后球权转换</font></div></font></div></font></div></font></div>证据2:主楼都已经把纽约时报贴出来了,纽约时报的权威性</font></div></div></font></div></div></div>我再加一条华盛顿邮报的报道</font></div>https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/1987/09/21/nba-creates-an-illegal-offense-call/7cbd3cb1-9f67-4a11-bb0d-bcc991b74982/</font></div></div></font></div></font></div></font></div>证据3:</font></div></font></div>NBA OPEN COURT有一期叫:you remind me</font></div></font></div>专门提到了反孤立法则</font></div></font></div></div></font></div>如果有这个视频的朋友可以把进度条直接卡到34分47秒</div></div>肯尼史密斯谈到了这个,说起了因为单个球员从而修改规则这个话题</div></div>说到背打5秒,也说到反孤立</div></div>不过他们把这个规则的叫法不同,叫"illegal offense"</div></div>肯尼史密斯的原话是"Michael jordan,illegal offense,because of him"</div></div>不过旁边的刺客纠正"that was me”</div></div>然后解释说他和兰比尔才是最先把其他三个人拉到一边展开进攻的,所以才产生了这个规则</div></div></div></div></div></div></div>有意思的是其实当年的公牛反倒并没有大量进行啥isolation的战术</div></div></font></div>反倒是当年的冠军凯尔特人会经常的进行大鸟冰箱和酋长的isolation</font></div></font></div>老尼尔森在雄鹿也打了大量iso,湖人队也经常iso 沃西</font></font></font></div>这个规则被叫乔丹法则只是因为乔丹1对1能力太强,说到单打第一时间就想到他,所以才叫乔丹法则。</font></div></font></div></font></div>这个反孤立发则其实对乔丹意义反倒不大因为1.公牛其实不怎么进行特别的iso,乔丹本来也没从iso中受益</font>2.公牛当时其他人太弱,没射手,空间小,导致可以疯狂包夹乔丹</font></font></font></div>iso的意义在于空间拉开后,包夹距离过长,能导致单点被包夹的距离过大,包夹时间晚,让1对1更有效率而凯尔特人射手多,空间拉开能力强,所以他们执行iso效率高。但公牛射手少,空间拉开能力弱,等于说拉不了空间,即便拉开了,其他人威胁不大,等于说可以完全不管其他人,更提前时机去直接包夹。</font></div></font></div>以下就是案例,管你孤立不孤立,直接包夹你还孤立个P啊</font></div></font></div>你看文章的最后一段,乔丹37分等于还是在近联防的阵型,以及2~3人疯狂包夹中度过的Last season, Jordan had to overcome the harassment of zone traps and double and triple-teaming</font> to win the scoring title by averaging 37.1 points a game. This time, he faces new challenges not only from opposing coaches and their defenses but also from the plans of his own coach.</font></div></div></font></div></font></div></font></div>这是当年的即时文章。</font></div></font></div>A new N.B.A. rule this season prohibits teams from putting more than two men on the side of the court away from the ball below the top of the foul circle. A violation would result in the loss of possession.</font>Almost as soon as the new rule was announced, it became known as the ''Michael Jordan Rule,'' because of Jordan's masterly one-on-one play.</font>Doug Collins does not, however, think that his team's strategy should have been responsible for the rule change.</font></font>'We have no special play or plays that isolate Michael,''</font> said Collins, the Chicago Bulls' coach, before his team beat the Los Angeles Lakers, 128-114, here tonight in the annual Hall of Fame game. It was the Lakers' first loss in eight exhibition games, although they were without Earvin (Magic) Johnson (tendinitis in his left foot) and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (sinus infection).</font></font>公牛教练科林斯说“我们根本没啥特别让乔丹孤立单打的战术”</font></li></ul></div></div>''If anything, the rule might more have been directed at the Boston Celtics, when they play two-on-two with Kevin McHale and Larry Bird or Bird and Dennis Johnson,'' Collins said. ''Don Nelson used the isolation a lot in Milwaukee when he coached the Bucks and the Lakers use it with James Worthy.''</font>公牛教练还说“凯尔特人,雄鹿和湖人才是进行iso战术的球队”The officials did not make any isolation calls tonight because both teams were running. Jordan scored 36 points in about 30 minutes, sitting out the entire last quarter. 'A Great Improviser'</font>Dave Corzine, </font>the Bulls' center, while agreeing the team had no specific play calling for the isolation of Jordan, said it might appear that way sometimes.</font></font>''It might look like he's going one-on-one and everyone else is standing around,'' </font>Corzine said before the game. ''But that's because Michael doesn't know what he's going to do until he does it. He's a great improviser.''</font></font></font></font>公牛中锋同意球队并没有特别让乔丹iso的战术,只是因为乔丹要单打时,其他人站着看,搞的好像在进行iso战术一样</font></font>Bob Cousy, the former Boston Celtic star and Hall of Fame member, said he favored the rule, regardless of whether there was a specific player in mind.</font></font>''Coaches with mediocre teams, who felt they were unable to compete in the five-man game, would isolate two or three of their best players and let them play schoolyard basketball on one side of the floor,'' Cousy said. </span>''I guess some people are calling it the Jordan Rule because when you think of one-on-one basketball, his name immediately comes to mind.</font></font>鲍勃库西说“我猜人们之所以把反孤立法则叫做”乔丹规则“,是因为当你想到1对1单打,他的名字会马上第一个出现在脑海里”''It's a good rule. I'm in favor of doing anything that would slow down scoring, The offense has gotten so far ahead of the defense that I'm afraid it will affect spectator interest.'' Bulls Plan New Style</font>Last season, Jordan had to overcome the harassment of zone traps and double and triple-teaming to win the scoring title by averaging 37.1 points a game. This time, he faces new challenges not only from opposing coaches and their defenses but also from the plans of his own coach.</font></div></div></div>

