

北京时间4月19日,名嘴斯蒂芬-A-史密斯在主场节目《First take》时谈到了季后赛掘金和湖人的对决,我表示,如果湖人能赢下掘金,湖人就能夺冠,自己认为乔丹是GOAT的观点也会有所动摇。




Holding a 39 year old man to this standard when Jordan was gambling and smoking cigars at this age proves that lebron is already the GOAT


he only holds him to this standard cause he is still 2 chips behind haha


and Jordan also already had all his rings and accolades by this point


MJ will always be the goat until someone wins 6 MVP finals do three repeat bk to bk n win also win defense all team every year they play win a slam dunk contest n also win gold medal in the the Olympics MJ will forever be the goat


also 3 (3peat ) if not I don’t wanna hear any other Goat debates…. Steven A sounds crazy thinking Lakers could beat Denver 🤣🤣🤣🤣


so Bill Russell’s 11 in 13 years isn’t better?


Lol 5 rings in 21 years still can't beat 6-0 with 2 3 peats cmon now😂


winning finals mvp in ur 21st season is a better accomplishment than anything MJ has done


Its about throwing out all of that and just go with what your eyes saw… Jordan was better. Both GREAT! But, Jordan was better.


He did it when he won that chip in Cleveland


no way a 3rd ring made you better than someone with 6😂.


he might be better, but he’s nowhere close to being as great… yet


Nothing MJ did was better than Lebron.


9 time all defense tied for most in history. 30ppg over entire career. MVP and Dpoy, scoring champ, same season. Learn life kid


9x defense in that Era isn't impress by any means when only 10 dudes can dribble lmao come on now. Not to mention, Pippen guarded the best players in the opposing team


Lebron isn’t better than Jordan. MJ accomplished more than Lebron in a shorter career and he retired. Plus, he achieved his accolades with less all star and HOF teammates.


Actually, LeBron has played with fewer All Star players, but even that is not the biggest thing. MJ's Chicago Bulls had one of the greatest coaches in the league, if not the greatest. LeBron's teams never had that.


Phil Jackson was not a hall of fame coach when he was with the Bulls… he became one with the Bulls.


No one was forming teams to beat MJ. It took Big 3s on multiple teams to beat LBJ though


So he didn't make a team with Wade and bosh? He didn't hand pick the entire cavs the second time? He also has chosen his Laker team however its kind of backfired lol

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