



IV - 球员注册

第 30 条 球员资格










球员不得在单个赛季为多家俱乐部参加欧洲冠军联赛、欧洲联赛或欧洲足联联盟联赛。例外情况是,任何参加过欧洲冠军联赛、欧洲联赛或欧洲足联联盟联赛第一、第二或第三轮资格赛或附加赛的球员,从联赛阶段开始,都有权为另一家俱乐部参加欧洲冠军联赛、欧洲联赛或欧洲足联联盟联赛。从淘汰赛阶段开始,球员可以按照第 32 条进行注册。未上场的替补球员有权在同一赛季为参加欧洲冠军联赛、欧洲联赛或欧洲足联联合会杯的另一家俱乐部效力,前提是该球员已按照现行规定在欧足联管理部门注册。



第 31 条 球员名单


每个俱乐部有责任向欧足联提交一份球员 A 名单(名单 A)和一份球员 B 名单(名单 B),由俱乐部正式签署,并由其协会核实、确认和额外签署。这些名单必须包括所有将参加欧足联俱乐部比赛的球员的姓氏、名字、出生日期、球衣号码和姓名(如适用)、国籍和国家注册日期,以及主教练和第一助理教练的姓氏和名字。此外,名单必须包括队医确认所有球员都已接受所要求的体检;队医全权负责确保所要求的球员的体检已得到妥善执行。


只有通过 A 名单或 B 名单在欧足联正式注册的球员才能有效履行待定的禁赛义务。


如果俱乐部派出未列入 A 名单或 B 名单或因其他原因没有资格上场的球员,俱乐部将承担法律后果。


任何俱乐部在赛季期间不得在 A 名单上拥有超过 25 名球员。至少有八个名额专门为“本地训练球员”保留,并且任何俱乐部在名单 A 的这八个名额中不得有超过四名“协会训练球员”。名单 A 必须指定符合“本地训练”资格的球员,以及他们是“俱乐部训练”还是“协会训练”。




“俱乐部训练的球员”是指年龄在 15 岁(或球员年满 15 岁那个赛季的开始时间)至 21 岁(或球员年满 21 岁那个赛季的结束时间)之间,且不论球员的国籍和年龄,已在其当前俱乐部注册连续或不连续三个完整赛季(即从相关国家锦标赛的第一场正式比赛开始到该相关国家锦标赛的最后一场正式比赛结束的时间段)或 36 个月的球员。在本段中,如果球员的生日是在相关国家锦标赛的最后一场比赛之后,但在 6 月 30 日(冬季锦标赛)或 12 月 31 日(夏季锦标赛)之前或之前,则可以计算球员 15 岁生日之前的赛季;如果球员的生日是在 7 月 1 日(冬季锦标赛)或 1 月 1 日(夏季锦标赛)或之后,但在相关国家锦标赛的第一场比赛之前,则可以计算球员 21 岁生日之后的赛季。


“协会训练的球员”是指年龄在 15 岁(或球员年满 15 岁那个赛季的开始时间)至 21 岁(或球员年满 21 岁那个赛季的结束时间)之间,且不论球员的国籍和年龄,已在与其当前俱乐部所属的俱乐部或隶属于同一协会的其他俱乐部注册,注册时间连续或不连续,为三个完整赛季(即从相关国家锦标赛的第一场正式比赛开始到该相关国家锦标赛的最后一场正式比赛结束的时间段)或 36 个月。在本段中,如果球员的生日是在相关国家锦标赛的最后一场比赛之后,但在 6 月 30 日(冬季锦标赛)或 12 月 31 日(夏季锦标赛)之前或之前,则可以计算球员 15 岁生日之前的赛季,如果球员的生日是在 7 月 1 日(冬季锦标赛)或 1 月 1 日(夏季锦标赛)或之后,但在相关国家锦标赛的第一场比赛之前,则可以计算球员 21 岁生日之后的赛季。


如果俱乐部的 A 名单中的本地训练球员少于 8 名,则可在此名单上注册的最大球员人数将相应减少。


A 名单必须在以下截止日期前在线提交:

a. 2024 年 7 月 4 日(24:00 CET)第一轮资格赛的所有比赛;

b. 2024 年 7 月 18 日(24:00 CET)第二轮资格赛的所有比赛;

c. 2024 年 8 月 1 日(24:00 CET),第三轮资格赛的所有比赛;

d. 2024 年 8 月 15 日(24:00 CET),附加赛的所有比赛;

e. 2024 年 9 月 3 日(24:00 CET),从联赛阶段第一场比赛到决赛(含决赛)的所有比赛。


对于资格赛阶段和附加赛,俱乐部可以在上述截止日期之后在 A 名单上注册最多两名新的合格球员,前提是尊重本地训练球员的配额。此注册必须在相关首回合比赛前一天 24:00 CET 之前完成,俱乐部协会必须以书面形式确认新球员目前有资格参加国内比赛。如果新球员的注册导致 A 名单上的球员人数超过 25 人,俱乐部必须删除之前注册的球员,以将名单上的球员人数再次减少到 25 人。


每个俱乐部有权在赛季期间在 B 名单上登记无限数量的球员。名单必须在比赛前一天的 24.00 之前提交。


如果球员出生于 2003 年 1 月 1 日或之后,并且自 15 岁生日以来,有资格为相关俱乐部效力两年,或连续三年,最多一次租借给同一协会的俱乐部,租借期不超过一年,则可以在 B 名单上登记。如果 16 岁的球员在过去两年内一直在参与的俱乐部注册,则可以在 B 名单上登记。


每个俱乐部必须在 A 名单中至少包括两名守门员,总共至少包括三名守门员(A 名单和 B 名单合并)。


如果俱乐部因长期受伤或患病而无法指望至少两名 A 名单上的守门员提供服务,则相关俱乐部可以在赛季期间的任何时候临时替换相关守门员并注册一名新守门员,并以适合上场的守门员完成 A 名单的正式注册。如果从受伤或患病之日起持续至少 30 天,则伤病被视为长期伤病。如果守门员在 30 天期限结束前康复,则球员仍必须在该期限结束前不进入 A 名单。新守门员不必接受当地培训,即使被替换的守门员接受过培训。俱乐部必须以欧足联官方语言之一向欧足联提供必要的医疗证明。欧足联可要求由欧足联指定的专家对守门员进行进一步的医疗检查,费用由俱乐部承担。一旦受伤或生病的守门员恢复健康,他可以恢复其位置,代替替补队员。原守门员的回归必须在原守门员将要参加的下一场比赛前 24 小时向欧足联行政部门宣布。


关于本规定第 31.06 至 31.07 条中“赛季”的定义,就“本地训练球员”的确定而言,要考虑的相关日期是各自国家锦标赛日历的原定日期,即由于特殊情况而延长的国家锦标赛日历,例如 2019/20 赛季的情况,则不予考虑。此外,对于 2020/21 赛季,从相关国家锦标赛的第一场正式比赛开始到该相关国家锦标赛的最后一场正式比赛结束的时间段将计为一个完整赛季,无论由于特殊情况而实际开始和结束的日期如何。

第 32 条 后续注册


联赛阶段结束后、淘汰赛阶段开始前,俱乐部最多可以为当前比赛的剩余比赛注册三名新合格球员。此类注册最迟必须在 2025 年 2 月 6 日(欧洲中部时间 24:00)之前完成。


在例外情况下,在不影响第 32.01 段的情况下,参加在同一日历年开始和结束的国内锦标赛的俱乐部有权在以下情况下进行额外球员注册:

a. 如果在联赛阶段结束后、淘汰赛阶段开始前,俱乐部 A 名单中的五名以上球员不再在其国家协会注册为该俱乐部效力,俱乐部可以为当前比赛的剩余比赛注册一名额外球员,即总共四名新合格球员。

b.如果在联赛阶段结束后、淘汰赛阶段开始前,俱乐部 A 名单中有超过 7 名球员不再向其国家足协注册为该俱乐部效力,则俱乐部可以为当前比赛的剩余比赛注册另外 2 名球员,即总共 5 名新合格球员。

此类特殊注册必须最迟在 2025 年 2 月 6 日(欧洲中部时间 24:00)之前完成。




如果此类新球员的注册导致 A 名单中的球员人数超过 25 人,俱乐部必须删除必要数量的当前注册球员,以将 A 名单再次缩减为 25 名球员。注册新球员时必须遵守本地训练球员的配额。

Regulations of the UEFA Champions League (Edition: 2024/25)

IV - Player Registration

Article 30 Player eligibility


In order to be eligible to participate in the competition, players must be registered with UEFA to play for a club within the deadlines set out in these regulations, and must fulfil all the conditions set out in the following provisions.


Each player must be duly registered with their national association as playing for the club concerned in accordance with the association’s own rules and those of FIFA, notably the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.


Each player taking part in the competition must be in possession of a player registration licence issued by the player's association or a valid passport or identity card, each containing the player's photograph and full date of birth (day, month, year). The referee or the UEFA match delegate may ask to see the passports/identity cards of the players listed on the match sheet.


All players must undergo a medical examination to the extent provided for in the UEFA Medical Regulations.


A player may not play in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or UEFA Conference League for more than one club in a single season. Exceptionally, any player who has been fielded in the first, second or third qualifying round or the play-offs of the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or UEFA Conference League is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or UEFA Conference League for another club as from the league phase. As from the start of the knockout phase, players can be registered in accordance with Article 32. A substitute player who has not been fielded is entitled to play for another club competing in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or UEFA Conference League in the course of the same season, provided that this player is registered with the UEFA administration in accordance with the present regulations.


The UEFA administration decides on questions of player eligibility. Challenged decisions are dealt with by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body.

Article 31 Player lists


Each club is responsible for submitting to UEFA an A list of players (List A) and a B list of players (List B), duly signed by the club and verified, validated and additionally signed by its association. These lists must include the surname, first name, date of birth, shirt number and name (if applicable), nationality and national registration date of all players to be fielded in the UEFA club competition in question, as well as the surname and first name of the head coach and first assistant coach. In addition, the lists must include confirmation from the team doctor that all players have undergone the requested medical examination; the team doctor is solely responsible for ensuring that the requested players’ medical examination has been duly performed.


Only players who are duly registered with UEFA by means of List A or B can validly serve pending suspensions.


The club bears the legal consequences for fielding a player who is not named on List A or B, or who is otherwise not eligible to play.


No club may have more than 25 players on List A during the season. As a minimum, eight places are reserved exclusively for "locally trained players" and no club may have more than four "association-trained players" listed in these eight places on List A. List A must specify the players who qualify as being "locally trained", as well as whether they are "club-trained" or "association-trained".


A "locally trained player" is either a "club-trained player" or an "association-trained player".


A "club-trained player" is a player who, between the ages of 15 (or the start of the season during which the player turns 15) and 21 (or the end of the season during which the player turns 21), and irrespective of the player's nationality and age, has been registered with the player's current club for a period, continuous or not, of three entire seasons (i.e. a period starting with the first official match of the relevant national championship and ending with the last official match of that relevant national championship) or of 36 months. In the context of this paragraph, the season immediately preceding a player’s 15th birthday may be counted if the player's birthday is after the last match of the relevant national championship but before or on 30 June (winter championships) or 31 December (summer championships), and the season immediately following the player's 21st birthday may be counted if the player's birthday is on or after 1 July (winter championships) or 1 January (summer championships) but before the first match of the relevant national championship.


An "association-trained player" is a player who, between the ages of 15 (or the start of the season during which the player turns 15) and 21 (or the end of the season during which the player turns 21), and irrespective of the player's nationality and age, has been registered with a club or with other clubs affiliated to the same association as that of the player's current club for a period, continuous or not, of three entire seasons (i.e. a period starting with the first official match of the relevant national championship and ending with the last official match of that relevant national championship) or of 36 months. In the context of this paragraph, the season immediately preceding a player’s 15th birthday may be counted if the player's birthday is after the last match of the relevant national championship but before or on 30 June (winter championships) or 31 December (summer championships), and the season immediately following the player's 21st birthday may be counted if the player's birthday is on or after 1 July (winter championships) or 1 January (summer championships) but before the first match of the relevant national championship.


If a club has fewer than eight locally trained players on its List A, the maximum number of players that can be registered on this list is reduced accordingly.


List A must be submitted online by the following deadlines:

a. 4 July 2024 (24:00 CET) for all matches in the first qualifying round;

b. 18 July 2024 (24:00 CET) for all matches in the second qualifying round;

c. 1 August 2024 (24:00 CET) for all matches in the third qualifying round;

d. 15 August 2024 (24:00 CET) for all matches in the play-offs;

e. 3 September 2024 (24:00 CET) for all matches from the first match in the league phase up to and including the final.


For the qualifying phase and the play-offs, a club may register a maximum of two new eligible players on List A after the above-mentioned deadlines, provided the quota of locally trained players is respected. This registration must be completed by 24:00 CET the day before the relevant first-leg match and the club’s association must confirm in writing that the new player is currently eligible to play at domestic level. If the registration of a new player causes the number of players on List A to exceed 25, the club must remove a player registered previously to reduce the number of players on the list to 25 again.


Each club is entitled to register an unlimited number of players on List B during the season. The list must be submitted by no later than 24.00 CET on the day before the match in question.


A player may be registered on List B if he is born on or after 1 January 2003 and has, since his 15th birthday, been eligible to play for the club concerned for any uninterrupted period of two years, or a total of three consecutive years with a maximum of one loan period to a club from the same association for a period not longer than one year. Players aged 16 may be registered on List B if they have been registered with the participating club for the previous two years without interruption.


Each club must include at least two goalkeepers on List A and at least three in total (List A and List B combined).


If a club cannot count on the services of at least two goalkeepers registered on List A because of long-term injury or illness, the club concerned may temporarily replace the goalkeeper concerned and register a new goalkeeper at any time during the season and complete the official registration of List A with a goalkeeper fit to be fielded. An injury or illness is considered long-term if it lasts at least 30 days as of the day the injury or illness occurred. If the goalkeeper recovers before the end of this 30-day period, the player must nonetheless remain off List A until the end of such period. The new goalkeeper does not have to be locally trained, even if the replaced goalkeeper was. The club must provide UEFA with the necessary medical evidence in one of UEFA's official languages. UEFA may require further medical examination of the goalkeeper by an expert appointed by UEFA at the club's expense. Once the injured or ill goalkeeper is fit to be fielded again, he can resume his position in place of his substitute. The return of the original goalkeeper must be announced to the UEFA administration 24 hours before the next match in which the original goalkeeper is due to play.


With regard to the definition of a “season” to be found in Paragraph 31.06 to Paragraph 31.07 of these regulations, as far as the determination of “locally trained players” is concerned, the relevant dates to be taken into account are those of the respective national championship calendar as originally scheduled, i.e. the prolongation of a national championship calendar due to an extraordinary situation, such as in the case of the 2019/20 season, is not taken into account. Furthermore, for the 2020/21 season, the period starting with the first official match of the relevant national championship and ending with the last official match of that relevant national championship is counted as a full season regardless of the actual start and end date due to the extraordinary situation.

Article 32 Subsequent registration


After the completion of the league phase and before the start of the knockout phase, a club may register a maximum of three new eligible players for the remaining matches in the current competition. Such registrations must be completed by 6 February 2025 (24:00 CET) at the latest.


Exceptionally and without prejudice to Paragraph 32.01, clubs participating in domestic championships that start and end in the same calendar year are entitled to additional player registrations in the following cases:

a. If more than five players on the club's List A are no longer registered with their national association as playing for the club concerned after completion of the league phase and before the start of the knockout phase, the club may register one additional player, i.e. a total of four new eligible players, for the remaining matches in the current competition.

b. If more than seven players on the club's List A are no longer registered with their national association as playing for the club concerned after completion of the league phase and before the start of the knockout phase, the club may register two additional players, i.e. a total of five new eligible players, for the remaining matches in the current competition.

Such exceptional registrations must be completed by 6 February 2025 (24:00 CET) at the latest.


Any or all of the players from the above quota may have been fielded for another club in the qualifying phase, play-offs or league phase of the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or UEFA Conference League.


If the registration of such new players causes the number of players on List A to exceed 25, the club must remove the necessary number of currently registered players to reduce the List A to 25 players again. The quota of locally trained players must be respected when registering new players.

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· 广东





